Grub Master 101

One of the items I enjoy most about camping is eating food prepared in the outdoors! As Grub Master you are responsible for all food related tasks for your Patrol. You will lead your patrol in designing a suitable and healthy meal plan, do all the shopping, safely store the food, lead food preparation, and lead cleanup. That’s a lot, but there are a number of resources you can use to make it easier.

There is a pretty comprehensive Grub Master Guide available that you can download. It describes the work as well as the requirements that you may complete by working as Grub Master.

Troop 279 has a Food Buying Guide that does a nice job discussing the actual food buying and budgeting process.

Troop 279 has also designed a Food Plan that you should download and fill out as you go through the meal planning and food buying process. It also serves as a way to submit your reciepts for reimbursement to the Scout Master.

We will post more on this over time, but this should get you started!